Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011 COMBINING FUNDS STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES - NONMAJOR FUNDS - Pension and (Other Employee Benefit) Trust Funds

State of Connecticut

Pension and (Other Employee Benefit) Trust Funds

Pension Trust Funds:

See notes 11 and 12 for a description of the Pension Trust Funds.

Retired Teachers' Health Benefits Plan:

to account for resources used to provide health benefits to retired teachers and their beneficiaries. The plan is administered by the Teachers' Retirement Board.

Policemen, Firemen Survivors' Benefits Plan:

to account for resources used to provide benefits to the survivors of policemen and firemen. The plan is administered by the State Comptroller's Retirement Division.

State Employees' Health Benefits Plan:

To account for resources used to provide health benefits to retired State employees and their beneficiaries. The plan is administered by the State Comptroller's Retirement Division.