Annual Report of the State Comptroller Budgetary Basis Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011 - Capital Projects Funds

State of Connecticut



EXHIBIT E Balance Sheet  EXCEL - 42KB HTML
EXHIBIT E-a Combining Balance Sheet  EXCEL - 42KB HTML
SCHEDULE E-1 Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements  EXCEL - 61KB HTML
SCHEDULE E-1a Combining Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements  EXCEL - 61KB HTML
SCHEDULE E-2 Bonds Outstanding  EXCEL - 87KB HTML
SCHEDULE E-3 Changes in Bonds Outstanding  EXCEL - 28KB HTML
SCHEDULE E-4 Bonds Outstanding by Years of Maturity  EXCEL - 36KB HTML
SCHEDULE E-5 Bond Commission Allocations Available  EXCEL - 48KB HTML


Capital projects funds are established to account for grants and for bond issue proceeds in accordance with acts passed by the General Assembly which specify the purpose of the issues and limit the amount to be spent. Actual bond retirement is made through the General Fund or the various debt service funds. Bond proceeds which are not required immediately are invested for additional revenue. Funds required before bond issue date are obtained by sale of short term notes.