Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 8 Restricted Assets

State of Connecticut

Notes to the Financial Statements

June 30, 2010

Note 8 Restricted Assets

Restricted assets are defined as resources that are restricted by legal or contractual requirements. As of June 30, 2010, restricted assets were comprised of the following (amounts in thousands):

Cash & Cash Loans, Net Restricted
Equivalents Investments of Allowances Other Assets
Governmental Activities:
Debt Service $687,752 $- $- $- $687,752
Environmental 3,449 - - - 3,449
Total-Governmental Activities $691,201 $- $- $- $691,201
Business-Type Activities:
Bradley International Airport $90,821 $13,258 $- $2,225 $106,304
UConn/Health Center 152,322 - - 5,258 157,580
Clean Water 67,543 306,220 - - 373,763
Other Proprietary 37,838 26,302 - - 64,140
Total-Business-Type Activities $348,524 $345,780 $- $7,483 $701,787
Component Units:
CHFA $666,467 $952,027 $3,373,682 $323,409 $5,315,585
CHEFA 461,702 - - 104 461,806
Other Component Units 113,316 25,115 - 8,713 147,144
Total-Component Units $1,241,485 $977,142 $3,373,682 $332,226 $5,924,535