Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 17 Long-Term Notes and Bonded Debt

State of Connecticut

Notes to the Financial Statements

June 30, 2006

Note 17 Long-Term Notes and Bonded Debt

a. Economic Recovery Notes

As of June 30 2006, the amount of Economic Recovery Notes outstanding was $146.1 million. These notes, which were used to fund the 2002 and 2003 fiscal year deficits, mature on various dates through 2009 and bear interest rates from 2.0% to 4.0%.

Future amounts needed to pay principal and interest on economic recovery notes outstanding at June 30, 2006, were as follows (amounts in thousands):

Year Ending
June 30, Principal Interest Total
2007 $63,270 $4,470 $67,740
2008 63,270 2,063 65,333
2009 19,550 684 20,234
Total $146,090 $7,217 $153,307

b. Primary Government - Governmental Activities
General Obligation Bonds
General Obligation bonds are those bonds that are paid out of the revenues of the General fund and that are supported by the full faith and credit of the State. General obligation bonds outstanding and bonds authorized but unissued at June 30, 2006, were as follows (amounts in thousands):

Final Original Authorized
Maturity Interest Amount But
Purpose of Bonds Dates Rates Outstanding Unissued
Capital Improvements 2007-2025 2-8% $2,176,916 $350,342
School Construction 2007-2025 2-7.282% 2,302,319 154,571
Municipal & Other
Grants & Loans 2007-2023 2-7.51% 1,501,472 560,231
Elderly Housing 2007-2011 7-7.5% 55,800 10,000
Elimination of Water
Pollution 2007-2023 3-7.525% 245,601 489,692
General Obligation
Refunding 2007-2020 2-6.14% 3,399,915 -
Miscellaneous 2007-2031 2.5-6.75% 76,257 5,080
9,758,280 $1,569,916
Accretion-Various Capital Appreciation Bonds 453,213
Total $10,211,493

Future amounts needed to pay principal and interest on general obligation bonds outstanding at June 30, 2006, were as follows (amounts in thousands):

Year Ending
June 30, Principal Interest Total
2007 $817,088 $528,825 $1,345,913
2008 805,895 501,914 1,307,809
2009 762,284 507,367 1,269,651
2010 765,225 465,940 1,231,165
2011 731,743 371,607 1,103,350
2012-2016 2,911,079 1,146,779 4,057,858
2017-2021 2,101,641 466,855 2,568,496
2022-2026 854,490 86,295 940,785
2027-2031 8,595 1,031 9,626
2032-2036 240 6 246
Total $9,758,280 $4,076,619 $13,834,899

Transportation Related Bonds
Transportation related bonds include special tax obligation bonds and general obligation bonds that are paid out of revenues pledged or earned in the Transportation Fund. The revenue pledged or earned in the Transportation Fund to pay special tax obligation bonds is transferred to the debt service fund for retirement of principal and interest.

Transportation related bonds outstanding and bonds authorized but unissued at June 30, 2006, were as follows (amounts in thousands):

Final Original Authorized
Maturity Interest Amount But
Purpose of Bonds Dates Rates Outstanding Unissued
Specific Highways 2017 4.25-5.50% $1,593 $4,065
Improvements 2007-2024 2-8.0% 3,081,098 672,786
General Obligation
Other 2008 7.513-7.525% 343 -
3,083,034 $676,851
Accretion-Various Capital Appreciation Bonds 10,967
Total $3,094,001

Future amounts required to pay principal and interest on transportation related bonds outstanding at June 30, 2006, were as follows (amounts in thousands):

Year Ending
June 30, Principal Interest Total
2007 $266,573 $148,955 $415,528
2008 276,393 135,965 412,358
2009 274,998 117,332 392,330
2010 268,515 102,662 371,177
2011 238,390 88,750 327,140
2012-2016 990,370 279,075 1,269,445
2017-2021 530,635 115,373 646,008
2022-2026 237,160 22,943 260,103
$3,083,034 $1,011,055 $4,094,089

Variable-Rate Demand Bonds
As of June 30, 2006, variable-rate demand bonds included in bonded debt were as follows (amounts in thousands).

Outstanding Issuance Maturity
Bond Type Principal Year Year
Special Tax Obligation $97,900 1990 2010
General Obligation 80,000 1997 2014
Special Tax Obligation 100,000 2000 2020
General Obligation 100,000 2001 2021
Special Tax Obligation 412,900 2003 2022
General Obligation 290,000 2005 2023
Total $1,080,800

The State entered into various Remarketing and Standby Bond Purchase agreements with certain brokerage firms and banks upon the issuance of the bonds.

The bonds were issued bearing a weekly interest rate, which is determined by the State's remarketing agents. The State has the option of changing at any time the weekly interest rate on the bonds to another interest rate, such as a flexible rate or a daily rate. Bonds bearing interest at the weekly rate are subject to purchase at the option of the bondholder at a purchase price equal to principal plus accrued interest, if any, on a minimum seven days' notice of tender to the State's agent. In addition, the bonds are subject to mandatory purchase upon (1) conversion from the weekly interest rate to another interest rate and (2) substitution or expiration of the Standby Bond Purchase agreements. The State's remarketing agent is responsible for using its best efforts to remarket bonds properly tendered for purchase by bondholders from time to time. The State is required to pay the Remarketing agents a quarterly fee of .05 percent per annum of the outstanding principal amount of the bonds.

The Standby Bond Purchase agreements require the banks to purchase any unremarketed bonds bearing the weekly interest rate for a price not to exceed the amount of bond principal and accrued interest, if any. The State is required to pay the banks a quarterly fee ranging from .065 percent to .20 percent per annum of the outstanding principal amount of the bonds plus interest. These fees would be increased if the credit rating for the bond insurers was to be downgraded, suspended, or withdrawn.

The Standby Bond Purchase agreements expire as follows:

1990 STO expires in the year 2010,
1997 GO expires in the year 2014,
2000 STO expires in the year 2014 and could be extended for another seven years,
2001 GO expires in the year 2008,
2003 STO expires in the year 2008 and could be extended for another five years, and
2005 GO expenses in the year 2015.

These agreements could be terminated at an earlier date if certain termination events described in the agreements were to occur.

Interest Rate Swaps
Objective of the swaps

As a means to lower its borrowing costs, when compared against fixed-rate bonds at the time of issuance, the State has entered into eleven separate pay-fixed, receive-variable interest rate swaps at a cost less than what the State would have paid to issue fixed-rate debt. Two of the swaps were executed in December 1990, one was executed in June 2001, three were executed in January 2003, and five were executed in March and April of 2005.

Terms, fair values, and credit risk
The terms, including the fair values and credit ratings of the outstanding swaps as of June 30, 2006, are as follows. The notional amount of the swaps matches the principal amount of the associated debt. The State's swap agreements, except for the CPI swaps, contain scheduled reductions to outstanding notional amounts that are expected to approximately follow scheduled or anticipated reductions in the associated debt. For the CPI swaps, the swap agreements and associated debt are non-amortizing and mature on the same date.

Bond Issue
Notional Amounts (000's) Effective Date Fixed Rate Paid Variable Rate
Fair Values (000's) SWAP
1990 STO $58,800 12/19/1990 5.746% 65% of LIBOR (1) $(2,900) 12/1/2010 Aa2/AA/AA
1990 STO 39,100 12/19/1990 5.709% 65% of LIBOR (1) (1,901) 12/1/2010 A/A/A-
2001 GO 20,000 6/28/2001 4.330% CPI (3) plus 1.43% 121 6/15/2012 Aa3/A+/AA-
2003 STO 117,730 1/23/2003 3.293% BMA(2)monthly weighted average less 10bp (through 1/3/07);55% LIBOR (1) plus 50 bp thereafter 2,512 2/1/2022 Aa1/AA/AA-
2003 STO 97,865 1/23/2003 3.288% BMA(2) monthly weighted average less 10bp (through 1/3/07); 55% LIBOR (1) plus 50 bp after 1/31/07 2,094 2/1/2022 Aa1/AA/AA+
2003 STO 197,305 1/23/2003 3.284% BMA(2)monthly weighted average less 10bp (through 1/3/07); 55% LIBOR (1) plus 50 bp thereafter 4,353 2/1/2022 Aa2/AA+/AA+
2005 GO 140,000 3/24/2005 3.392% 60% of LIBOR (1) plus 30bp thereafter 4,912 3/1/2023 Aaa/AAA/nr
2005 GO 140,000 3/24/2005 3.401% 60% of LIBOR (1) plus 30bp thereafter 4,904 3/1/2023 Aa1/AA/AA-
2005 GO 15,620 4/27/2005 3.990% CPI (3) plus .65% (440) 6/1/2016 Aa3/A+/AA-
2005 GO 20,000 4/27/2005 5.070% CPI (3) plus 1.73% (625) 6/1/2017 Aa3/A+/AA-
2005 GO 20,000 4/27/2005 5.200% CPI (3) plus 1.79% (591) 6/1/2020 Aaa/AAA/nr
Total $866,420 $12,439

(1) London Interbank Offered Rate
(2) The Bond Market Association Municipal Swap Index.
(3) Consumer Price Index

Fair value
As of June 30, 2006, the swaps dated in 2001, 2003 and March 2005 had positive fair values because interest rates have increased since the time when these swaps were undertaken; the 1990 and April 2005 swaps had negative fair values because interest rates had similarly declined. The negative fair values may be countered by reductions in total interest payments required under the variable-rate bonds, creating lower synthetic interest rates. Because the coupons on the State's variable-rate bonds adjust to changing interest rates, the bonds do not have corresponding fair value increases. The fair values were estimated using the zero-coupon method. This method calculates the future net settlement payment required under the swaps, assuming that the current forward rates implied by the yield curve correctly anticipate future spot interest rates. These payments are then discounted using the spot rates implied by the current yield curve for hypothetical zero-coupon bonds due on the date each future net settlement on the swaps.

As of June 30, 2006, the State had credit risk exposure relating to the relationship between the variable interest rate on the bonds and the rate that it receives under the swap agreements undertaken in 2001, 2003 and March 2005. The State had no credit risk exposure on the swaps undertaken in 1990 and April 2005 because the swaps had negative fair value. However, should interest rates change and the fair values of the swaps become positive, the State would be exposed to credit risk in the amount of the swaps' fair value.

The swap agreements contain varying collateral agreements with the counterparties. The 2003 and 2005 swap agreements require collateralization of the fair value of the swap in cash or government securities should the counterparty's credit rating fall below Aa3 as issued by Moody's Investors Service or AA- as issued by Standard & Poor's Ratings or Fitch Ratings. One of the swaps executed in 1990 requires collateral of cash or securities if the counterparty credit rating falls below A1/A+. The other swap agreements do not have collateral provisions. No collateral was required to be posted for any of the swaps at June 30, 2006. The State is not required to post collateral for any of the swaps.

Master netting arrangements do not apply to these transactions because the state has only one derivative transaction with each counterparty.

Approximately 23 percent of the notional amount of swaps outstanding is held with one counterparty, rated Aa2/AA+. One of the December 1990 swaps, approximately 5% of the
notional amount of swaps outstanding is held with the lowest rated counterparty, rated A/A-. All other swaps are held with separate counterparties who are rated Aa3/A+ or better.

Basis Risk
The State's variable-rate bond coupon payments are equivalent to the BMA index rate, or the CPI floating rate. For those swaps for which the State receives a variable-rate payment other than BMA or CPI, the State is exposed to basis risk should the relationship between LIBOR and BMA converge. If a change occurs that results in the rates' moving to convergence, the expected cost savings may not be realized. As of June 30, 2006, the BMA rate was 3.97 percent, whereas 65 percent and 60 percent plus 30bp of LIBOR were 3.46 and 3.50 percent, respectively. The State recognizes this basis risk by including an amount for basis risk in its debt service budget. For fiscal year 2006, the budgeted amount for basis risk was $1,500,000.

Termination Risk
The State or the counterparty may terminate any of the swaps if the other party fails to perform under the terms of the contract. If any swap is terminated, the associated variable-rate bonds would no longer carry synthetic interest rates. Also, if at the time of termination the swap has a negative fair value, the State would be liable to the counterparty for a payment equal to the swap's fair value. Under the 2003 and 2005 swap agreements, the State has up to 270 days to fund any required termination payment. Under the 1990 swap agreements, the State may fund any required termination payment over a five-year period.

Rollover Risk
Because all of the swap agreements terminate when the associated debt is fully paid, the State is only exposed to rollover risk if an early termination occurs. Upon an early termination, the State will not realize the synthetic rate offered by the swaps on the underlying debt issues.

Swap Payments and Associated Debt
Using rates as of June 30, 2006, debt service requirements of the State's outstanding variable-rate bonds and net swap payments are as follows (amounts in thousands). As rates vary, variable-rate bond interest payments and net swap payments will vary.

Fiscal Year Variable-Rate Bonds Interest Rate
Ending June 30, Principal Interest SWAP, Net Total
2007 $20,350 $34,902 $289 $55,541
2008 21,665 33,786 185 55,636
2009 22,985 32,887 (231) 55,641
2010 24,410 31,942 (685) 55,667
2011 25,940 30,939 (1,169) 55,710
2012-2016 251,225 133,054 (7,298) 376,981
2017-2021 423,310 55,996 (2,852) 476,454
2022-2026 76,535 3,722 (110) 80,147
Total $866,420 $357,228 $(11,871) $1,211,777

c. Primary Government - Business-Type Activities
Revenue Bonds
Revenue bonds are those bonds that are paid out of resources pledged in the enterprise funds and component units.

Enterprise funds' revenue bonds outstanding at June 30, 2006, were as follows (amounts in thousands):

Final Original Amount
Maturity Interest Outstanding
Funds Dates Rates (000's)
Higher Education 2007-2036 2-6.5% $544,970
Bradley International Airport 2007-2032 2.5-5.25% 226,375
Clean Water 2007-2026 2-6.5% 487,582
Bradley Parking Garage 2007-2024 6.1-8% 49,875
Drinking Water 2007-2026 4-5.9% 47,733
Rate Reduction Bonds 2007-2011 3-5% 166,595
Total Revenue Bonds 1,523,130
Plus/(Less) premiums, discounts
and deferred amounts:
Higher Education 9,191
Bradley International Airport (225)
Clean Water 17,872
Other 12,653
Revenue Bonds, net $1,562,621

Bradley Airport has issued various revenue bonds to finance costs of improvements to the airport. As of June 30, 2006, the following bonds were outstanding:

a) 2004 Airport Revenue Refunding Bonds in the amount of $24.6 million. These bonds were issued in July, 2004, to redeem the 1992 Airport Revenue Refunding Bonds, and are secured by and payable solely from the gross operating revenues generated by the State from the operations of the airport and other receipts, funds or monies pledged in the bond indenture.

b) 2001 Bradley International Airport Revenue Bonds in the amount of $183.6 million and 2001 Bradley International Airport Refunding Bonds in the amount of $18.2 million. Both bond series are secured by and payable solely from the gross operating revenues generated by the state from the operation of the airport and other receipts, funds or monies pledged in the bond indenture.

In 1994, the State of Connecticut began issuing Clean Water Fund revenue bonds. The proceeds of these bonds are to be used to provide funds to make loans to Connecticut municipalities for use in connection with the financing or refinancing of wastewater treatment projects.

In 2000, Bradley Parking Garage bonds were issued in the amount of $53.8 million to build a parking garage at the airport.

In 2004, the State of Connecticut issued $205.3 million of Special Obligation Rate Reduction Bonds. These bonds were issued to sustain for two years the funding of energy conservation and load management and renewable energy investment programs by providing money to the State's General Fund.

Future amounts needed to pay principal and interest on revenue bonds outstanding at June 30, 2006, were as follows (amounts in thousands):

Year Ending
June 30, Principal Interest Total
2007 $98,450 $65,449 $163,899
2008 108,974 61,327 170,301
2009 103,253 55,682 158,935
2010 122,504 60,945 183,449
2011 103,991 45,248 149,239
2012-2016 325,674 177,184 502,858
2017-2021 286,128 112,083 398,211
2022-2026 209,600 62,110 271,710
2027-2031 126,775 24,493 151,268
2032-2036 37,781 2,467 40,248
Total $1,523,130 $666,988 $2,190,118

d. Component Units
Component units' revenue bonds outstanding at June 30, 2006, were as follows (amounts in thousands):

Final Amount
Maturity Interest Outstanding
Component Unit Date Rates (000's)
CT Development Authority 2007-2019 2.9-6% $33,500
CT Housing Finance Authority 2006-2045 1.5-9.36% 3,313,097
CT Resources Recovery Authority 2007-2016 4-5.5% 83,700
CT Higher Education
Supplemental Loan Authority 2007-2024 1.7-6% 115,815
Capital City Economics
Development Authority 2007-2034 2.5-5% 86,800
UConn Foundation 2007-2029 3.6-5.375% 7,195
Total Revenue Bonds 3,640,107
Plus/(Less) premiums, discounts, and deferred amounts:
CDA 20
CRRA (1,272)
CHESLA (357)
Revenue Bonds, net $3,638,671

Revenue bonds issued by the component units do not constitute a liability or debt of the State. The State is only contingently liable for those bonds as discussed below.

Connecticut Development Authority's revenue bonds are issued to finance such projects as the acquisition of land or the construction of buildings, and the purchase and installation of machinery, equipment, and pollution control facilities. The Authority finances these projects through its Self-Sustaining Bond Program and Umbrella Program. Under the Umbrella Program, bonds outstanding at June 30, 2006 were $1.2 million. Assets totaling $2.3 million are pledged under the terms of the bond resolution for the payment of principal and interest on these bonds until such time as it is determined that there are surplus funds as defined in the bond resolution. Bonds issued under the Self-Sustaining Bond Program are discussed in the no-commitment debt section of this note. In addition, the Authority had $32.3 million in general obligation bonds outstanding at year-end. These bonds were issued to finance the lease of an entertainment/sports facility and the purchase of a hockey team.

Connecticut Housing Finance Authority's revenue bonds are issued to finance the purchase, development and construction of housing for low and moderate-income families and persons throughout the State. The Authority has issued bonds under a bond resolution dated 9/27/72 and an indenture dated 9/25/95. As of December 31, 2005, bonds outstanding under the bond resolution and the indenture were $2,939.0 million and $374.0 million, respectively. According to the bond resolution, the following assets of the Authority are pledged for the payment of the bond principal and interest (1) the proceeds from the sale of bonds, (2) all mortgage repayments with respect to long-term mortgage and construction loans financed from the Authority's general fund, and (3) all monies and securities of the Authority's general and capital reserve funds. The capital reserve fund is required to be maintained at an amount at least equal to the amount of principal, sinking fund installments, and interest maturing and becoming due in the next succeeding calendar year ($234.0 million at 12/31/05) on all outstanding bonds. As of December 31, 2005, the Authority has entered into interest rate swap agreements for $867.1 million of its variable rate bonds. These agreements are similar in nature to agreements discussed in the interest rate swaps section of this note.

Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority's revenue bonds are issued to finance the design, development and construction of resources recovery and recycling facilities and landfills throughout the State. These bonds are paid solely from the revenues generated from the operations of the projects and other receipts, accounts and monies pledged in the bond indentures.

Connecticut Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority's revenue bonds are issued to provide loans to students, their parents, and institutions of higher education to assist in the financing of the cost of higher education. These loans are issued through the Authority's Bond fund. According to the bond resolutions, the Authority internally accounts for each bond issue in separate funds, and additionally, the Bond fund includes individual funds and accounts as defined by each bond resolution.

Each Authority has established special capital reserve funds that secure all the outstanding bonds of the Authority at year-end, except as discussed next. These funds are usually maintained at an amount equal to next year's bond debt service requirements. The State may be contingently liable to restore any deficiencies that may exist in the funds in any one year in the event that the Authority is unable to do so. For the Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority, the amount of bonds outstanding at year-end that were secured by the special capital reserve funds was $76.1 million.

The Capital City Economic Development Authority revenue bonds are issued to provide sufficient funds for carrying out its purposes. The bonds are not debt of the State of Connecticut. However, the Authority and the State have entered into a contract for financial assistance, pursuant to which the State will be obligated to pay principal and interest on the bonds in an amount not to exceed $6.7 million in any calendar year. The bonds are secured by energy fees from the central utility plant and by parking fees subject to the Travelers Indemnity Company parking agreement.

Future amounts needed to pay principal and interest on revenue bonds outstanding at June 30, 2006, were as follows (amounts in thousands):

Year Ending
June 30, Principal Interest Total
2007 $102,652 $157,728 $260,380
2008 114,015 153,965 267,980
2009 431,984 147,477 579,461
2010 217,793 277,061 494,854
2011 562,687 535,055 1,097,742
2012-2016 654,838 437,229 1,092,067
2017-2021 587,498 295,176 882,674
2022-2026 521,720 164,027 685,747
2027-2031 403,900 55,657 459,557
2032-2036 33,900 6,290 40,190
2037-2041 9,120 911 10,031
Total $3,640,107 $2,230,576 $5,870,683

No-commitment debt
Under the Self-Sustaining Bond program, The Connecticut Development Authority issues revenue bonds to finance such projects as described previously in the component unit section of this note. These bonds are paid solely from payments received from participating companies (or from proceeds of the sale of the specific projects in the event of default) and do not constitute a debt or liability of the Authority or the State. Thus, the balances are not included in the Authority's financial statements. Total bonds outstanding for the year ended June 30, 2006 were $891.5 million.

The Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority has issued several bonds to fund the construction of waste processing facilities by independent contractors/operators. These bonds are payable from a pledge of revenues derived primarily under lease or loan arrangements between the Authority and the operators. Letters of credit secure some of these bonds. The Authority does not become involved in the construction activities or the repayment of the debt (other than the portion allocable to Authority purposes). In the event of a default, neither the authority nor the State guarantees payment of the debt, except for the State contingent liability discussed below. Thus, the assets and liabilities that relate to these bond issues are not included in the Authority's financial statements. Total bonds outstanding at June 30, 2006 were $157.5 million. Of this amount, $53.7 million was secured by a special capital reserve fund.

The Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority has issued special obligation bonds for which the principal and interest are payable solely from the revenues of the institutions. Starting in 1999, the Authority elected to remove these bonds and related restricted assets from its financial statements, except for restricted assets for which the Authority has a fiduciary responsibility. Total special obligation bonds outstanding at June 30, 2006, were $5,183.7 million, of which $377.5 million was secured by special capital reserve funds.

The State may be contingently liable for those bonds that are secured by special capital reserve funds as discussed previously in this section.

e. Debt Refundings
During the year, the State issued $61.0 million of general obligation bonds with an average interest rate of 4.88% to advance refund $61.7 million of general obligation and special tax obligation refunding bonds with an average interest rate of 5.07%. The proceeds of the refunding bonds were used to purchase U.S. Government securities, which were deposited in an irrevocable trust with an escrow agent to provide for all future payments on the refunded bonds. Thus, the refunded bonds are considered defeased and the liability for those bonds have been removed from the statement of net assets. The reacquisition price exceeded the carrying amount of the old debt by $3.8 million. This amount is being netted against the new debt and amortized over the life of the new or old debt, whichever is shorter.

The State advance refunded these bonds to reduce its total debt service payments over the next fourteen years by $1.96 million and to obtain an economic gain (difference between the present values of the debt service payments of the old and new bonds) of $.41 million. As of June 30, 2006, $3,041.3 million of outstanding general obligation, special tax obligation, and revenue bonds are considered defeased.