Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 16 Long-Term Debt

State of Connecticut

Notes to the Financial Statements

June 30, 2006

Note 16 Long-Term Debt

a) The following is a summary of changes in long-term debt of the primary government for the year ended June 30, 2006, (amounts in thousands):

Balance Balance Amounts due
Governmental Activities July 1, 2005 Additions Reductions June 30, 2006 within one year
General Obligation $9,905,242 $1,173,165 $866,914 $10,211,493 $817,088
Transportation 3,113,875 251,076 270,950 3,094,001 266,573
13,019,117 1,424,241 1,137,864 13,305,494 1,083,661
Plus/(Less) premiums and
deferred amounts 229,068 51,483 13,376 267,175 -
Total Bonds 13,248,185 1,475,724 1,151,240 13,572,669 1,083,661
Economic Recovery Notes 209,560 - 63,470 146,090 63,270
Other Liabilities:
Net Pension Obligation 3,636,304 1,131,874 1,031,042 3,737,136 -
Compensated Absences 415,169 86,007 30,083 471,093 16,886
Workers' Compensation 298,556 122,998 77,280 344,274 75,599
Capital Leases 76,955 - 16,464 60,491 4,098
Claims and Judgments 6,609 14,876 3,067 18,418 4,553
Contracts Payable & Other 4,816 3,493 4,816 3,493 -
Total Other Liabilities 4,438,409 1,359,248 1,162,752 4,634,905 101,136
Governmental Activities Long-Term
Liabilities $17,896,154 $2,834,972 $2,377,462 $18,353,664 $1,248,067
In prior years, the General and Transportation funds have been used to liquidate other liabilities.
Business-Type Activities
Revenue Bonds $1,619,658 $- $96,528 $1,523,130 $95,612
Plus/(Less) premiums, discounts and
deferred amounts 33,883 12,745 7,137 39,491 484
Total Revenue Bonds 1,653,541 12,745 103,665 1,562,621 96,096
Lottery Prizes 337,002 16,948 51,473 302,477 45,765
Compensated Absences 102,148 39,359 17,247 124,260 33,027
Other 165,869 62,337 47,449 180,757 11,709
Total Other Liabilities 605,019 118,644 116,169 607,494 90,501
Business-Type Long-Term Liabilities $2,258,560 $131,389 $219,834 $2,170,115 $186,597

b) As of June 30, 2006, long-term debt of component units consisted of the following (amounts in thousands):

Long-Term Balance Amounts due
Debt June 30, 2006 within year
Bonds Payable $3,638,671 $110,519
Escrow Deposits 140,575 40,383
Closure of Landfills 27,439 1,420
State Loan 15,939 2,619
Deferred Revenue 5,636 824
Other 6,872 117
Total $3,835,132 $155,882