Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2004 Basic FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 4 Cash Deposits and Investments

State of Connecticut

Note 4 Cash Deposits and Investments

In this note, the State's deposits and investments are classified in categories of "custodial credit risk." This is the risk that the State will not be able to (a) recover deposits if the depository bank fails or (b) recover the value of investments or collateral securities that are in the custody of an outside party if the counterparty to the investment or deposit transaction fails. Classification in category 1 means that the exposure of deposits or investments to potential custodial credit risk is low. The level of potential custodial credit risk is higher for those deposits or investments classified in category 2 and highest for those in category 3.

Cash Deposits (amounts in million)

At June 30, 2004, the reported amount of the State's deposits was $(43.6) for the Primary Government and Fiduciary Funds (pooled deposits) and $16.5 for the Component Units. The corresponding bank balance for such deposits was $176.1 for the Primary Government and Fiduciary Funds and $18.7 for the Component Units. Of the bank balance for the Primary Government and Fiduciary Funds $91.3 was insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or held in the State's name (Category 1) and $84.8 was uninsured and uncollateralized (Category 3). Of the bank balance for the Component Units, $6.3 was insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or held in the Component Units' name (Category 1), and $12.4 was uninsured and uncollateralized (Category 3).

Category 3 deposits include some deposits that are collateralized as required by state statute. Under the statute, any bank holding public deposits must at all times maintain, segregated from its other assets, eligible collateral in an amount equal to 10 percent, 25 percent, 100 percent, or 120 percent of its public deposits. However, the collateral is held in the custody of the trust department of either the pledging bank or another bank in the name of the pledging bank.


The State Treasurer is the chief fiscal officer of State government and is responsible for the prudent management and investment of monies of State funds and agencies as well as monies of pension and other trust funds. The State Treasurer with the advice of the Investment Advisory Council, whose members include outside investment professionals and pension beneficiaries, establishes investment policies and guidelines. Currently, the State Treasurer manages one Short-Term Investment Fund ("STIF") and seven Combined Investment Funds (the "CIFS"), including one international investment fund.

STIF is a money market investment pool in which the State, municipal entities, and political subdivisions of the State are eligible to invest. The State Treasurer is authorized to invest monies of STIF in United States government and agency obligations, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, corporate bonds, savings accounts, bankers' acceptances, repurchase agreements, asset-backed securities, and student loans. STIF's investments are reported at amortized cost (which approximates fair value) in the fund's statement of net assets and are disclosed in this note.

For financial reporting purposes, STIF is considered to be a mixed investment pool - a pool having external and internal portions. The external portion of STIF (i.e. the portion that belongs to participants which are not part of the State's financial reporting entity) is reported as an investment trust fund (External Investment Pool fund) in the fiduciary fund financial statements. The internal portion of STIF (i.e., the portion that belongs to participants that are part of the State's financial reporting entity) is not reported in the financial statements. Instead, each fund's investment in the internal portion of STIF is reported as "cash equivalents" in the government-wide and fund financial statements.

The CIFS are open-ended, unitized portfolios in which the State pension trust and permanent funds are eligible to invest. The State pension trust and permanent funds own the units of the CIFS. The State Treasurer is also authorized to invest monies of the CIFS in common stock, commercial equity real estate, foreign companies stocks and bonds, commercial and residential mortgages, foreign governments' obligations, mortgage-backed securities, and venture capital partnerships. CIFS' investments are reported at fair value in each fund's statement of net assets and are disclosed in this note.

For financial reporting purposes, the CIFS are considered to be internal investment pools and are not reported in the financial statements. Instead, each fund's equity in the CIFS is reported as investments in the government-wide and fund financial statements. Complete financial information about STIF and the CIFS can be obtained from financial statements issued by the State Treasurer.

As of June 30, 2004, investments consisted of the following (amounts in thousands):

Primary Government
Governmental Business-Type Component Fiduciary
Activities Activities Units Funds
Equity in CIFS $ 88,820 $ 587 $ - $ 20,099,983
Other Investments 17,300 170,569 233,307 791,474
Total Investments-Current $ 106,120 $ 171,156 $ 233,307 $ 20,891,457
Other Investments-Noncurrent $ - $ 367,558 $ 68,794 $ -
Other Investments-Restricted $ 509,641 $ 325,561 $ 1,131,807 $ -

The following investment schedules disclose the reported amount and fair value of the State's investment in total and by investment type as of June 30, 2004. Further, the reported amounts of these investments are classified according to the following categories of custodial credit risk. Category 1 includes investments that are insured or registered or for which the securities are held by the State or its agent in the State's name. Category 2 includes uninsured and unregistered investments for which the securities are held by the counterparty's trust department or agent in the State's name. Category 3 includes uninsured and unregistered investments for which the securities are held by the counterparty, or by its trust department or agent but not in the State's name.

Investments-Primary Government and Fiduciary Funds
Short-Term Investment Fund
(amounts in thousands)
Amount Fair
Investment Type Category 1 Value
Certificates of Deposit $ 819,000 $ 819,000
Commercial Paper 1,773,914 1,773,851
Corporate Notes 393,002 393,363
Bankers' Acceptances 24,899 24,863
Money Market Funds 117,506 117,506
Federal Agency Securities 10,000 9,994
Extendable Commercial Notes 490,792 490,811
Repurchase Agreements 200,000 200,000
Total Investments $ 3,829,113 $ 3,829,388

Investments-Primary Government and Fiduciary Funds
Combined Investment Funds
(amounts in thousands)
Reported Amount (Fair Value)
Investment Type Category 1 Category 3 Total
Certificates of Deposit-Negotiable $ - $ 449,490 $ 449,490
Asset Backed Securities 573,352 - 573,352
U.S. Government and Agency Securities:
Not on Securities Loan 1,360,258 - 1,360,258
On Securities Loan for Securities or
Letter of Credit Collateral - 54,528 54,528
Mortgage Backed Securities 538,702 - 538,702
Corporate Debt 2,745,364 1,669,430 4,414,794
Convertible Securities 34,989 - 34,989
U. S. Corporate Stock: -
Not on Securities Loan 7,336,000 - 7,336,000
On Securities Loan for Securities or
Letter of Credit Collateral - 12,501 12,501
International Equity Securities:
Not on Securities Loan 3,150,791 - 3,150,791
On Securities Loan for Securities or
Letter of Credit Collateral - 1,476 1,476
Preferred Stock 75,269 - 75,269
$ 15,814,725 $ 2,187,425 18,002,150
Investments not categorized
because they are not evidenced by securities
that exist in physical or book entry form.
Real Estate Investment Trusts 76,727
Mutual Funds 179,393
Limited Liability Corporations 22,948
Trusts 46,404
Limited Partnerships 1,836,286
Annuities 1,314
Securities Held by Brokers-Dealers under Security Loans for Cash Collateral:
U.S. Government and Agency Securities 916,311
U. S. Corporate Stock 436,761
International Equity Securities 533,527
Domestic Fixed Securities 178,874
International Fixed Securities 1,038
$ 22,231,733
The pension trust funds own approximately 100 percent of the investments that are
in categories 1 and 3.

The CIFS account for the purchase and sale of investments using "trade date" accounting - investments are increased or decreased on the date the purchase or sales order is made although the investments are not received or delivered until a later date (settlement date). Thus, the above schedule was prepared taking into account unsettled sales and purchases of investments. This means that investments under unsettled sales are included in the schedule, because the investments are still subject to custodial credit risk that could result in losses prior to settlement. Conversely, investments under unsettled purchases are excluded from the schedule, because the investments are still in the hands of the dealers.

Other Investments-Primary Government
(amounts in thousands)
Reported Amount (Fair Value)
Investment Type Category 1 Category 3 Total
Collateralized Investment Agreements $ 271,378 $ - $ 271,378
State/Municipal Bonds 33,739 - 33,739
U.S. Government & Agency Securities 405,573 115,963 521,536
Mortgage Backed Securities - 6,886 6,886
Other 9,452 - 9,452
$ 720,142 $ 122,849 842,991
Investments not categorized because they are not evidenced
by securities that exist in physical or book entry form:
Annuity Contracts 382,288
Guaranteed Investment Contracts 158,640
Tax Exempt Proceeds Fund 46,294
Other 6,710
Total Investments $ 1,436,923
The Transportation fund owns approximately 53 percent and the State Universities own 100 percent of the investments in Category 1 and 3, respectively.
Other Investments-Component Units
(amounts in thousands)
Reported Amount (Fair Value)
Investment Type Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Total
U.S. Government & Agency Securities $ 733 $ - $ 1,788 $ 2,521
Common Stock 69,956 1,034 - 70,990
Repurchase Agreements 65,091 - - 65,091
Collateralized Investment Agreements 1,953 - 1,636 3,589
Mortgage Backed Securities and Obligations 602,438 - - 602,438
Corporate Debt 45,551 44,561 - 90,112
Other 21,775 - - 21,775
$ 807,497 $ 45,595 $ 3,424 856,516
Investments not categorized because they are not evidenced by securities that exist in physical or book entry form:
Guaranteed Investment Contracts 88,447
Fidelity Funds 306,079
Investment Agreements 17,713
Mutual Funds 71,816
Limted Partnerships 6,688
Other 86,649
Total Investments $ 1,433,908
CHFA owns approximately 92 percent and 48 percent of the investments that are in categories 1 and 3, respectively.

Security Lending Transactions

Certain of the Combined Investment Funds are permitted by State statute to lend its securities through a lending agent to authorized broker-dealers and banks for collateral with a simultaneous agreement to return the collateral for the same securities in the future.

During the year, the funds' lending agent lent securities similar to the types on loan at year-end and received cash (United States and foreign currency), U.S. Government securities, sovereign debt rated A or better, convertible bonds, and irrevocable bank letters of credit as collateral. The funds' lending agent did not have the ability to pledge or sell collateral securities delivered absent borrower default. Borrowers were required to deliver collateral for each loan equal to: (1) in the case of loaned securities denominated in United States dollars or whose primary trading market was located in the United States or sovereign debt issued by foreign governments, 102 percent of the market value of the loaned securities; and (2) in the case of loaned securities not denominated in United States dollars or whose primary trading market was not located in the United States, 105 percent of the market value of the loaned securities. The funds did not impose any restrictions during the fiscal year on the amount of loans that the lending agent made on their behalf and the lending agent indemnified the funds by agreeing to purchase replacement securities, or return the cash collateral thereof in the event any borrowers failed to return the loaned securities or pay distributions thereon. At year-end, the funds had no credit exposure to the borrowers, because the amounts the funds owed the borrowers exceeded the amounts the borrowers owed the funds.

All securities loans can be terminated on demand by either the funds or the borrowers. Cash collateral is invested by the funds' lending agent, and the average duration of the investments can not exceed (a) 120 days or (b) the average duration of the loans by more than 45 days. At year-end, the average duration of the collateral investments was 63 days; the average duration of the loans was unknown, although it is assumed to remain at one day.