Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2002 Basic FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 9 - Capital Assets

State of Connecticut

Note 9 Capital Assets

Capital asset activity for the year was as follows:

Beginning Ending
Balance Additions Retirements Balance
Governmental Activities
Capital Assets not being Depreciated:
Land $ 435,227 $ 37,904 $ 5,649 $ 467,482
Land-Infrastructure 384,653 11,467 - 396,120
Construction in Progress-Infrastructure 885,615 429,683 317,405 997,893
Construction in Progress 231,115 312,664 293,336 250,443
Total Capital Assets not being Depreciated 1,936,610 791,718 616,390 2,111,938
Other Capital Assets:
Buildings 2,095,991 294,124 32,290 2,357,825
Improvements Other than Buildings 279,061 16,791 132 295,720
Equipment 1,263,839 128,400 40,964 1,351,275
Infrastructure 8,733,350 317,405 - 9,050,755
Total Other Capital Assets at Historical Cost 12,372,241 756,720 73,386 13,055,575
Less: Accumulated Depreciation For:
Buildings 1,573,056 115,700 32,290 1,656,466
Improvements Other than Buildings 151,346 99,070 132 250,284
Equipment 704,483 140,398 40,964 803,917
Infrastructure 2,938,776 392,266 - 3,331,042
Total Accumulated Depreciation 5,367,661 747,434 * 73,386 6,041,709
Other Capital Assets, Net 7,004,580 9,286 - 7,013,866
Governmental Activities, Captial Assets, Net $ 8,941,190 $ 801,004 $ 616,390 $ 9,125,804
* Depreciation expense was charged to functions as follows:
Governmental Activities:
Legislative $ 6,196
General Government 13,594
Regulation and Protection 33,188
Conservation and Development 9,060
Health and Hospitals 9,766
Transportation 603,451
Human Services 2,941
Education, Libraries and Museums 14,845
Corrections 30,333
Judicial 13,507
Capital assets held by the government's internal
service funds are charge to the various functions
based on the usage of the assets 10,553
Total Depreciation Expense $ 747,434

Beginning Ending
Balance Additions Retirements Balance
Business-Type Activities
Capital Assets not being Depreciated:
Land $ 43,997 $ 2,766 $ 685 $ 46,078
Construction in Progress 282,317 233,143 131,224 384,236
Total Capital Assets not being Depreciated 326,314 235,909 131,909 430,314
Capital Assets being Depreciated:
Buildings 1,809,862 179,360 7,070 1,982,152
Improvements Other Than Buildings 280,372 28,197 266 308,303
Equipment 619,249 62,013 20,331 660,931
Total Other Capital Assets at Historical Cost 2,709,483 269,570 27,667 2,951,386
Less: Accumulated Depreciation For:
Buildings 614,354 59,588 3,303 670,639
Improvements Other Than Buildings 97,449 12,311 255 109,505
Equipment 266,459 45,912 16,880 295,491
Total Accumulated Depreciation 978,262 117,811 20,438 1,075,635
Other Capital Assets, Net 1,731,221 151,759 7,229 1,875,751
Business-Type Activities, Capital Assets, Net $ 2,057,535 $ 387,668 $ 139,138 $ 2,306,065

Capital assets of the component units consisted of the following as of June 30, 2002:

Land $ 27,774
Buildings 202,027
Improvements other than Buildings 40
Machinery and Equipment 225,145
Construction in Progress 30
Total Capital Assets 455,016
Accumulated Depreciation (202,730)
Capital Assets, net $ 252,286