Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2001 GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Notes To Financial Statements - Note 8 - Property, Plant, and Equipment

State of Connecticut

Note 8 Property, Plant, and Equipment

(1) A summary of changes in general fixed assets is as follows (amounts in thousands):

Balance Balance
7/1/00 Additions Retirements 6/30/01
Land $ 371,484 $ 19,940 $ 1,683 $ 389,741
Buildings 2,062,263 58,084 25,060 2,095,287
Improvements Other Than Buildings 243,236 35,892 583 278,545
Machinery & Equipment 1,253,910 112,223 261,917 1,104,216
Construction in Progress 278,935 157,464 243,307 193,092
Total $ 4,209,828 $ 383,603 $ 532,550 $ 4,060,881

(2) Property, plant, and equipment for the primary government and its component units consisted of the following as of June 30, 2001 (amounts in thousands)

Primary Government
Internal Higher Component
Enterprise Service Education Units
Land $ 2,840 $ - $ 39,047 $ 24,833
Buildings 189,065 - 1,638,016 188,314
Improvements other than Buildings 141,542 95 153,882 236
Machinery & Equipment 56,198 161,648 658,703 224,538
Construction in Progress 33,930 - 214,822 10,314
Subtotal 423,575 161,743 2,704,470 448,235
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 173,618 111,535 459,446 187,294
Total $ 249,957 $ 50,208 $ 2,245,024 $ 260,941

The following estimated useful lives are used to compute depreciation: Buildings 10-60 years; Land Improvements 2-50 years; Machinery and Equipment 2-21 years.