Revenues by Source Statistical Section Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000

State of Connecticut

Revenues by Source
Last Ten Fiscal Years
(Expressed in Thousands)
SOURCE (1) 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
1. Taxes $ 4,639,536 $ 5,596,447 $ 6,140,718 $ 6,436,828 $ 6,822,277 $ 7,339,263 $ 7,611,339 $ 8,130,258 $ 8,336,873 $ 8,844,733
2. Licenses, Permits, and Fees 365,780 372,146 398,979 425,480 418,660 429,803 447,333 471,996 483,220 455,531
3. Tobacco Settlement - - - - - - - - - 149,960
4. Intergovernmental 1,688,731 2,135,220 2,616,995 2,641,448 2,734,163 2,830,481 2,782,901 2,853,800 2,258,276 2,388,127
5. Charges for Services 61,153 62,364 88,852 176,757 201,434 211,829 269,349 312,909 59,102 76,929
6. Fines, Forfeits, and Rents 21,811 27,151 35,843 33,226 37,145 25,359 31,356 35,019 53,695 62,354
7. Casino Gaming Payments - - - - - - - - 288,532 318,986
8. Restricted Federal & Other Grants/Accounts - - - - - - - - 654,243 818,070
9. Investment Earnings 69,715 65,284 75,141 62,218 74,574 73,235 90,689 106,040 95,324 105,247
10. Lottery 731,095 709,423 692,528 552,992 670,801 706,860 - - - -
11. Miscellaneous 144,715 172,494 156,391 262,590 228,624 192,358 180,458 173,649 190,851 217,483
Total Revenues $ 7,722,536 $9,140,529 $ 10,205,447 $ 10,591,539 $ 11,187,678 $ 11,809,188 $ 11,413,425 $ 12,083,671 $ 12,420,116 $ 13,437,420

(1) Includes General, Special Revenue, and Debt Service Funds.
NOTE: Beginning in 1997, the Lottery revenues are no longer reported under Special Revenue Funds, but are included in the Enterprise Funds.

SOURCE: Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances