Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000 GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Combined Statement of Revenues - Discretely Presented Component Units

State of Connecticut

Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and
Changes in Retained Earnings/Fund Balances
All Proprietary  Fund Types, Nonexpendable Trust Funds,
and Discretely Presented Component Units
For The Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000
(Expressed in Thousands)
Proprietary Fund Types



Fund Type
(Memorandum only)

Fund Type
(Memorandum only)

Operating Revenues:

Charges for Services $ 43,502 $ 106,657 $ - $ 150,159 $ 160,097 $ 310,256
Interest on Financing Activities 2,402 - 10,181 12,583 217,727 230,310
Investment Earnings - 199 32,699 32,898 - 32,898
Patient Service Revenue 114,841 - - 114,841 - 114,841
Intergovernmental - - 12,270 12,270 - 12,270
Civic Center Lease Operations - - - - 15,555 15,555
Lottery Sales 837,509 - - 837,509 - 837,509
Miscellaneous 5,485 287 417 6,189 25,020 31,209
Total Operating Revenues 1,003,739 107,143 55,567 1,166,449 418,399 1,584,848
Operating Expenses:
Cost of Sales and Services 570,818 43,144 - 613,962 - 613,962
Administrative 72,386 44,768 1,133 118,287 41,492 159,779
Depreciation and Amortization 16,040 19,714 - 35,754 21,676 57,430
Interest on Financing Activities. 5,704 - 29,607 35,311 199,528 234,839
Patient Care 86,341 - - 86,341 - 86,341
Other Program Expenses 5,381 - 836 6,217 22,394 28,611
Civic Center Lease Oper. (includes depreciation expense of $1,677) - - - - 18,247 18,247
Solid Waste Operations - - - - 113,516 113,516
Total Operating Expenses 756,670 107,626 31,576 895,872 416,853 1,312,725
Operating Income (Loss) 247,069 (483) 23,991 270,577 1,546 272,123
Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses):
Interest and Investment Income 50,048 - - 50,048 93,984 144,032
Interest and Fiscal Charges (46,799) - - (46,799) (16,872) (63,671)
Other 11,351 - - 11,351 (399) 10,952
Total Nonoperating Income (Expense) 14,600 - - 14,600 76,713 91,313
Income (Loss) Before Operating Transfers 261,669 (483) 23,991 285,177 78,259 363,436
Operating Transfers:
Operating Transfers In 10,830 - 8,652 19,482 - 19,482
Operating Transfers Out (253,598) - (3,629) (257,227) - (257,227)

Net Income (Loss)

18,901 (483) 29,014 47,432 78,259 125,691
Add Items Affecting Contributed Capital:
Depreciation on Equipment Acquired through
Capital Grants - - - - 122 122
Total Add Back Items - - - - 122 122
Retained Earnings/Fund Balances-July 1(as restated) 187,726 42,121 478,456 708,303 539,405 1,247,708
Equity Transfer From Primary Government. - - - - 65,532 65,532
Equity Transfer Out (786) - - (786) - (786)
Retained Earnings/Fund Balances - June 30 $ 205,841 $ 41,638 $ 507,470 $ 754,949 $ 683,318 $ 1,438,267