Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000 GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types, Account Groups, and Discretely Presented Component Units

State of Connecticut

Combined Balance Sheet
All Fund Types, Account Groups, and
Discretely Presented Component Units
June 30, 2000
(Expressed in Thousands)
Fiduciary Account Groups Total Total
Governmental Fund Types Proprietary Fund Types Fund Types Primary Reporting
General General Higher Government Entity
Special Debt Capital Internal Trust and Fixed Long-Term Education (Memorandum Component (Memorandum
General Revenue Service Projects Enterprise Service Agency Assets Debt Funds only) Units only)

Assets and Other Debits:

Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 686,635 $ 455,998 $ - $ 23,064 $ 60,574 $ 19,127 $ 358,764 $ - $ - $ 498,749 $ 2,102,911 $ 351,952 $ 2,454,863
Equity in Combined Investment Funds. - - - - - - 21,913,603 - - 622 21,914,225 - 21,914,225
External Investment Pool. - - - - - - 1,085,851 - - - 1,085,851 - 1,085,851
Other. 47,705 22,502 - - 600,329 - 111,209 - - 228,118 1,009,863 534,503 1,544,366
Securities Lending Collateral. - - - - - - 1,666,080 - - 1,666,080 - 1,666,080
Taxes. 707,511 43,405 - - - - - - - - 750,916 - 750,916
Accounts, Net of Allowances. 236,519 4,944 2 821 50,098 5,849 46,427 - - 101,762 446,422 15,783 462,205
Tuition. - - - - - - - - - 1,229 1,229 - 1,229
Loans, Net of Allowances. - 320,402 - - 82,355 - 545,226 - - 30,362 978,345 3,085,764 4,064,109
Interest. - 220 6,185 - 29,311 - 17,472 - - - 53,188 43,982 97,170
Notes Receivable. - - - - - - - - - - - 792 792
Federal Grants Receivable. 82,205 12,016 - 9,084 710 - 120 - - - 104,135 - 104,135
Non-Federal Grants Receivable. 2,323 12,414 - - - - - - - - 14,737 - 14,737
Deposits with U.S. Treasury. - - - - - - 840,790 - - - 840,790 - 840,790
Due From Other Funds. 9,482 137,942 - 10,388 4,429 3,497 11,462 - - 55,802 233,002 - 233,002
Due From Component Units. - - - - - - - - - 44,915 44,915 - 44,915
Due From Primary Government. - - - - - - - - - - - 18,804 18,804
Advances To Other Funds. 4,950 - - - - - - - - - 4,950 - 4,950
Receivable From Other Governments. 518,104 20,248 - 50,333 331 - 7,319 - - - 596,335 - 596,335
Inventories and Prepaid Items. 37,672 13,784 - - 4,919 4,269 4,643 - - 13,019 78,306 1,295 79,601
Restricted Assets. - - 530,064 - 122,313 - 412,648 - - - 1,065,025 860,239 1,925,264
Property, Plant & Equipment. - - - - 221,013 45,458 - 3,770,684 - 2,119,460 6,156,615 225,570 6,382,185
Other Assets. - - - - 10,619 1,352 562,842 - - 11,848 586,661 48,490 635,151
Other Debits:
Amount Available for Debt Retirement. - - - - - - - - 539,525 - 539,525 - 539,525
Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement. - - - - - - - - 13,880,024 - 13,880,024 - 13,880,024
Total Assets and Other Debits. $ 2,333,106 $ 1,043,875 $ 536,251 $ 93,690 $ 1,187,001 $ 79,552 $ 27,584,456 $ 3,770,684 $ 14,419,549 $ 3,105,886 $ 54,154,050 $ 5,187,174 $ 59,341,224
Liabilities, Equity and Other Credits:
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities. $ 925,911 $ 58,482 $ - $ 103,354 $ 148,718 $ 25,241 $ 35,844 $ - $ - $ 126,830 $ 1,424,380 $ 76,379 $ 1,500,759
Due To Other Funds. 68,318 2,733 6,185 118,891 5,884 266 20,160 - - 11,028 233,465 - 233,465
Due To Primary Government. - - - - - - - - - - - 44,915 44,915
Due To Component Units. 2 18,802 - - - - - - - - 18,804 - 18,804
Advances From Other Funds. - - - - - 4,950 - - - - 4,950 - 4,950
Payable To Other Governments. 53,003 - - - - - - - - - 53,003 - 53,003
Deferred Revenue. 686,189 28,767 5,282 2,313 623 1,314 23,511 - - 44,719 792,718 5,866 798,584
Escrow Deposits. - - - - - - - - - - - 117,018 117,018
Notes and Loans Payable. - - - - - - - - - 6,251 6,251 - 6,251
Securities Lending Obligation. - - - - - - 1,666,080 - - - 1,666,080 - 1,666,080
Agency Deposit Liabilities. - - - - - - 728,513 - - 6,586 735,099 - 735,099
General Obligation Bonds. - - - - - - - - 7,221,893 - 7,221,893 - 7,221,893
Transportation Related Bonds. - - - - - - - - 3,069,525 - 3,069,525 - 3,069,525
Expendable Trust Fund Obligations. - - - - - - - - 610,065 - 610,065 - 610,065
Revenue Bonds. - - - - 228,712 - 556,046 - - 306,069 1,090,827 3,613,065 4,703,892
Capital Leases. - - - - - - - - 49,406 - 49,406 - 49,406
Claims and Judgements. - - - - - - - - 15,079 - 15,079 - 15,079
Compensated Absences. - - - - 42 4,763 - - 294,091 76,309 375,205 - 375,205
Net Pension Obligation. - - - - - - - - 2,875,890 - 2,875,890 - 2,875,890
Workers Compensation Liability. - - - - - - - - 283,600 - 283,600 - 283,600
Liability for Landfill Closure Costs. - - - - - - - - - - - 24,992 24,992
Amount Held for Institutions. - - - - - - - - - - - 371,499 371,499
Liability for Escheat Property. 44,768 - - - - - - - - - 44,768 - 44,768
Malpractice Liability. - - - - 6,389 - - - - - 6,389 - 6,389
Long-Term Annuities Payable. - - - - 486,568 - - - - - 486,568 - 486,568
Total Liabilities. 1,778,191 108,784 11,467 224,558 876,936 36,534 3,030,154 - 14,419,549 577,792 21,063,965 4,253,734 25,317,699
Equity and Other Credits:
Investment in Fixed Assets. - - - - - - - 3,770,684 - 1,939,016 5,709,700 - 5,709,700
Contributed Capital. - - - - 104,224 1,380 - - - - 105,604 250,122 355,726
Retained Earnings:
Reserved. - - - - 49,041 - - - - - 49,041 533,956 582,997
Unreserved. - - - - 156,800 41,638 - - - - 198,438 149,362 347,800
Fund Balances:
Reserved. 1,229,906 408,417 524,784 - - - 23,349,697 - - 380,007 25,892,811 - 25,892,811
Unreserved, undesignated. (674,991) 526,674 - (130,868) - - 1,204,605 - - 209,071 1,134,491 - 1,134,491
Total Equity and Other Credits. 554,915 935,091 524,784 (130,868) 310,065 43,018 24,554,302 3,770,684 - 2,528,094 33,090,085 933,440 34,023,525
Total Liabilities, Equity and Other Credits. $ 2,333,106 $ 1,043,875 $ 536,251 $ 93,690 $ 1,187,001 $ 79,552 $ 27,584,456 $ 3,770,684 $ 14,419,549 $ 3,105,886 $ 54,154,050 $ 5,187,174 $ 59,341,224

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.